The Victoria Crowned Pigeon: An Amazing Journey From a Brink of Extinction to Becoming a Zoo Star

Victoria Crowned Pigeon
Victoria Crowned Pigeon

The Victoria Crowned Pigeon, known scientifically as Goura Victoria, is a bird that stands out from the crowd. With its vibrant beauty and unique features, it’s no wonder this rare species of pigeon has become a star attraction in zoos worldwide.

Table of Contents

Vibrant Beauty: Introducing the Victoria Crowned Pigeon

The Victoria Crowned Pigeon is a sight to behold. Its striking blue-grey feathers, large size, and the beautiful crest of lacy feathers, or ‘crown’, on its head make it a vibrant beauty. This bird is not your average pigeon. It’s one of the largest and most visually stunning members of the pigeon family.

Victoria Crowned Pigeon: A Rare Species of Pigeon

The Victoria Crowned Pigeon is a rare species, native to the lowland and swamp forests of New Guinea. It’s named after Queen Victoria, who ruled the United Kingdom during the 19th century when the bird was first described by European scientists. This bird is unique not only in its appearance but also in its behavior. Unlike most pigeons, Victoria Crowned Pigeons are ground-dwelling birds, spending most of their time foraging for fruits and seeds on the forest floor.

Goura Victoria: A Unique Name for a Unique Bird

The scientific name for the Victoria Crowned Pigeon, Goura Victoria, reflects its unique characteristics. ‘Goura’ is derived from a local New Guinea name for these birds, while ‘Victoria’ honors the queen. This name is fitting for a bird that is as regal and distinctive as this one.

Understanding the Peculiarities of The Victoria Crowned-Pigeon

The Victoria Crowned Pigeon is peculiar in many ways. For one, it’s a monogamous bird, meaning it pairs for life. It also has a unique cooing sound, different from the typical pigeon coo. Another peculiarity is its nesting habits. Unlike other pigeons that build nests in trees, Victoria Crowned Pigeons build their nests on the ground, often hidden among dense vegetation.

Recognizing the Victoria Crowned Pigeon’s Three Crowned Pigeon Species

There are three species of crowned pigeons, all of which are native to New Guinea. These are the Victoria Crowned Pigeon, the Western Crowned Pigeon, and the Southern Crowned Pigeon. While they all share the characteristic crown of feathers, each species has its own distinct features and habitats.

SpeciesDistinct FeaturesHabitat
Victoria Crowned PigeonBlue-grey feathers, white tips on crestLowland and swamp forests
Western Crowned PigeonDark blue feathers, no white tips on crestWestern part of the island
Southern Crowned PigeonReddish-purple feathers, smaller sizeSouthern part of the island

Victoria Crowned Pigeons: From New Guinea to Zoos Worldwide

Despite being native to New Guinea, Victoria Crowned Pigeons can now be found in zoos worldwide. They’ve become a star attraction due to their unique appearance and behavior. However, their journey from the brink of extinction to becoming a zoo star has not been easy. Conservation efforts, including breeding programs in zoos, have played a crucial role in preserving this amazing bird for future generations to admire and learn about.

Understanding the Habitat and Lifestyle of Victoria Crowned Pigeons

Victoria Crowned Pigeons: A Reflection of the New Guinea Lowlands

The Victoria Crowned Pigeon is a unique bird found in the lowland rainforests of New Guinea. Some key facts about their habitat:

  • Live in lowland and swamp forests up to 3,000 ft elevation
  • Favor areas with lots of fruit trees and a hot, humid climate
  • Nest on the ground or in low branches
  • Population stronghold is the island of New Guinea

Understanding the Impact of Habitat Loss on Victoria Crowned Pigeons

Victoria Crowned Pigeons rely on the fruit and shelter provided by intact lowland rainforests. Unfortunately, logging and land clearing pose threats:

  • Logging destroys nesting and feeding areas
  • Land clearing for palm oil plantations reduces habitat
  • Estimated 30-50% of lowland forest on New Guinea cleared
  • Pigeons forced into smaller and smaller habitat patches

Protecting remaining lowland forest is crucial for the future survival of this unique bird.

Traveling in Pairs or Small Groups: The Social Life of Victoria Crowned Pigeons

Victoria Crowned Pigeons live in small groups of 2-10 birds. Here are some facts about their social behavior:

PairsMate for life; both parents raise young
Small groupsForage together on forest floor
RoostingGather in groups at night
TerritorialDefend nesting and feeding areas

They are quiet unless alarmed. Then they make a deep “whooping” sound to communicate danger.

Victoria Crowned Pigeons: Ground-Dwelling Birds with an Eye for Detail

As terrestrial birds, Victoria Crowned Pigeons spend most of their time on the rainforest floor. Their days revolve around finding food:

  • Forage on ground for fallen fruits, figs, berries
  • Also eat seeds, leaves, flowers and insects
  • Use strong beak to crack hard nuts and seeds
  • Have a featherless red patch around eyes to spot food
  • Dust bathe in leaf litter to clean feathers

Despite their large size, they walk slowly and fly only when necessary.

Victoria Crowned Pigeons: An Unusual Bird May Be Near Human Habitations

Once common near villages, hunting and habitat loss have made Victoria Crowned Pigeons a rare sight. However, their unique appearance means sightings still occur:

  • Distinctive powder blue body, maroon chest, red eyes
  • Namesake lace-like crown of blue feathers
  • One of world’s largest pigeons at 22-29 inches long

So if you are wandering the rainforests of New Guinea, keep an eye out overhead and underfoot for this majestic ground-dwelling bird!

Decoding the Diet and Nutrition of Victoria Crowned Pigeons

Victoria Crowned Pigeon Diet: A Dive into Their Love for Fallen Fruits

Victoria Crowned Pigeons spend most of their time wandering the rainforest floor in search of food. Their favorite snacks include:

  • Fallen fruits like figs, berries, and citrus
  • Occasionally munch on seeds, nuts, leaves, and flowers
  • Use strong beak to crack into hard nuts and seeds

They use their bare red skin around the eyes to spot tasty fruits on the ground.

Understanding the Impact of Diet and Nutrition on the Victoria Crowned Pigeon Population

Diet and Nutrition on the Victoria Crowned Pigeon Population
Diet and Nutrition on the Victoria Crowned Pigeon Population

Deforestation in New Guinea has removed feeding areas for these birds. Losing their food source puts Victoria Crowned Pigeons at risk:

  • Logging destroys fruit trees and plants
  • Land clearing for palm oil reduces food availability
  • Pigeons forced to search wider for less food

Protecting fruiting trees in remaining forest is key to provide food they need.

Victoria Crowned Pigeons and Their Affinity for Invertebrates

Although mainly fruit lovers, Victoria Crowned Pigeons occasionally snack on small invertebrates too:

InsectsBeetles, ants, termites
SnailsSmall land snails

These extras add protein and nutrients to support their active lifestyle.

Victoria Crowned Pigeon: A Continuous Search for Food on the Forest Floor

Victoria Crowned Pigeon Search for Food on the Forest Floor
Victoria Crowned Pigeon Search for Food on the Forest Floor

The daily life of the Victoria Crowned Pigeon centers around finding the next meal:

  • Forage on ground all day for fruits and seeds
  • Use strong beak to crack hard nuts
  • Favor figs and citrus fruits when available
  • Travel in small groups while searching for food
  • Take dust baths in leaf litter to clean feathers

Their slow, wandering gait allows them to constantly seek out fruits and berries.

Nest Building and Mating: The Unique Courtship Rituals of Victoria Crowned Pigeons

When it comes time to mate, Victoria Crowned Pigeons have an intricate courtship display:

  • Males bow and dance to attract female
  • Fan tail feathers and make loud “whoom” sounds
  • If female accepts, they mate for life
  • Build platform nest in trees to raise one chick

Their unique mating rituals and loud calls add to the mystique of this majestic rainforest bird.

From Near Extinction to Zoo Stars: The Evolution of Victoria Crowned Pigeons

Victoria Crowned Pigeons’ Near-Extinct Status: A Look at the Past

Victoria Crowned Pigeons were once common in villages in New Guinea until heavy hunting for meat and feathers drastically reduced populations, putting them at risk of extinction. They were easy targets due to their tameness. By the mid-1900s, the species was nearing extinction from overhunting and habitat loss.

How the IUCN Red List Status Affects Conservation

Listing the pigeons as Near Threatened on the IUCN Red List in 2016 helped drive conservation actions:

  • Legal protections were enacted in New Guinea
  • Zoos increased captive breeding populations
  • Commercial hunting and trade were banned

This allowed wild populations to stabilize, although they remain vulnerable.

Victoria Crowned Pigeons: Well-Suited to Captive Life

Victoria Crowned Pigeons have adapted well to captive life in zoos. Their docile nature and simple habitat needs make them good candidates for display. Zoos provide the food, space to roam on the ground, and nesting platforms they require. Supportive breeding programs aim to preserve genetic diversity.

The Modern Role of Zoos in Victoria Crowned Pigeon Conservation

Zoos now play a crucial role for the species:

  • House significant captive populations to safeguard genetic diversity
  • Study behavior and biology to expand scientific knowledge
  • Raise awareness and funding for conservation programs
  • Serve as an “insurance population” against extinction

Though still decreasing in the wild, Victoria Crowned Pigeons have found sanctuary in zoos. Continued conservation support offers hope they can recover.

The Reproduction and Breeding Habits of Victoria Crowned Pigeons

Reproduction and Breeding Habits of Victoria Crowned Pigeons
Reproduction and Breeding Habits of Victoria Crowned Pigeons

Victoria Crowned Pigeons: Monogamous Birds with Elaborate Mating Displays

  • Males perform elaborate courtship displays, bowing heads, fanning tails, and making loud “whoom” calls to attract female
  • Once paired, mate for life

Nest Building and Egg Laying

  • Build simple platform nests of sticks and leaves in trees or even on ground
  • Female lays single white egg with bluish tinge that both parents incubate
  • Incubation takes around 30 days

Raising the Young

  • Both parents feed the chicks with nutrient-rich crop milk when hatched
  • Chicks leave nest at 4 weeks but still fed by parents

Threats to Breeding Success

  • Deforestation destroys nest sites and food sources needed to raise chicks
  • Hunting for feathers and meat also reduces number of breeding adults


The Victoria crowned pigeon is a remarkable bird that has survived the threats of hunting, habitat loss, and the pet trade. It is the largest and most beautiful of all pigeons, with a distinctive blue crest and a maroon chest. 

It lives in the lowland and swamp forests of northern New Guinea and some nearby islands, where it feeds on fruits, seeds, and insects. It is a social and vocal bird that forms strong bonds with its mate and raises its young in a nest of twigs.

It is also a popular attraction in zoos around the world, where it can live up to 25 years. The Victoria crowned pigeon is a living relic of the dodo bird, and a symbol of the rich biodiversity of New Guinea.

However, it is still classified as near threatened by the IUCN, and needs our protection and conservation.

You can help this magnificent bird by supporting organizations that work to preserve its habitat and prevent illegal trade. Together, we can ensure that the Victoria crowned pigeon continues to grace our planet with its royal presence.

Picture of Nathan


I absolutely adore birds, especially lovebirds, and I’m passionate about exploring forests for bird watching. I wanted to create a space for fellow bird lovers to connect, learn, and share experiences.