Discover the Joy of Bird Watching: Turn Your Backyard into a Wild Bird Sanctuary

Wild Bird World
Wild Bird World

Have you ever wondered how to attract beautiful birds right to your backyard? With a few simple steps, you can create a bird-watching paradise and surround your home with cheerful bird songs and beautiful plumage all year long!

Table of Contents

Creating the Perfect Backyard Bird Sanctuary

Perfect Backyard Bird Sanctuary
Perfect Backyard Bird Sanctuary

Choosing the Right Habitat for Different Bird Species

To attract a variety of birds, it’s essential to provide different habitats that cater to their specific needs. Some birds prefer open spaces, while others prefer dense shrubs and trees. Here are some ways to create diverse habitats in your backyard:

  1. Plant native trees, shrubs, and flowers to provide natural food sources and shelter.
  2. Create brush piles for birds that prefer to nest in dense cover.
  3. Leave dead trees (if safe) for woodpeckers and other cavity-nesting birds.
  4. Provide a mix of sunny and shady areas.

Essential Feeders and Seed Types to Attract a Variety of Birds

Different bird species have different food preferences. To attract a wide variety of birds, offer a selection of seeds, fruits, and nuts. Here are some popular options:

  1. Black oil sunflower seeds: Attract cardinals, chickadees, finches, and more.
  2. Safflower seeds: Attract cardinals, grosbeaks, and towhees, while deterring squirrels.
  3. Nyjer (thistle) seeds: Attract goldfinches, siskins, and redpolls.
  4. Suet: Attract woodpeckers, nuthatches, and chickadees.
  5. Fruit and nuts: Attract blue jays, robins, and mockingbirds.

Choose feeders that are appropriate for the type of seed and the bird species you want to attract. Tube feeders, hopper feeders, and platform feeders are all popular options.

Introducing Water Features to Enhance Wildlife Attraction

Water is a crucial element for all living creatures, and birds are no exception. Adding a water feature to your backyard will not only attract birds but also other wildlife, such as squirrels, butterflies, and dragonflies. Here are some ideas for incorporating water features into your wild bird sanctuary:

  1. Birdbaths: A simple birdbath can provide a place for birds to drink and bathe.
  2. Shallow drinking holes: Create a shallow drinking hole by sinking a large plant pot dish into the ground, flush with the soil surface.
  3. Backyard waterfalls: A small waterfall can create a soothing sound and provide a source of moving water for birds.
  4. Small ponds with fountains: A pond with a fountain can be a beautiful centerpiece for your garden and provide a habitat for aquatic plants and animals.

By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to creating a wild bird sanctuary in your backyard that will bring joy and beauty to your life for years to come. Happy bird watching!

Exploring the Diverse World of Backyard Birds

Our backyards can be home to a fascinating diversity of bird species. Getting to know these birds that share our living spaces can open up a whole new world of nature right outside our windows.

Identification Guide to Common and Rare Backyard Bird Species

Being able to identify birds is the first step to understanding their behaviors and roles in the backyard ecosystem. Here is an identification guide covering some of the most common backyard birds you may encounter:

Seed and Fruit Eating Birds

BirdIdentifying FeaturesFoods
American GoldfinchBright yellow body with black cap and wingsThistle, nyjer seeds
Black-capped ChickadeeBlack cap and throat, white cheeks, gray backBlack oil sunflower seeds, suet
Blue JayBright blue wings and tail, blue crest on headPeanuts, sunflower seeds, acorns
Northern CardinalRed male with black mask; brown femaleSunflower seeds, safflower seeds, fruit

Insect Eating Birds

BirdIdentifying FeaturesFoods
American RobinOrange breast, gray backWorms, insects, berries
Barn SwallowDeeply forked tail, iridescent blue backFlying insects
Eastern BluebirdBrilliant blue back and head, rusty breastBerries, insects
Ruby-throated HummingbirdTiny with long bill, red throat (male)Nectar, tree sap, insects

Woodpeckers and Nuthatches

BirdIdentifying FeaturesFoods
Downy WoodpeckerBlack and white with small billSuet, insects
Red-bellied WoodpeckerRed cap and nape, black/white stripes on backInsects, seeds, fruit
White-breasted NuthatchBlue-gray above, white face and undersideInsects, seeds, nuts

In addition, keep an eye out for less common visitors like warblers, tanagers, buntings, and flycatchers during spring and fall migrations. Unique species can turn up in surprising places!

Understanding Bird Behaviors and Seasons in Your Garden

Bird Behaviors and Seasons in Your Garden
Bird Behaviors and Seasons in Your Garden

Getting to know your backyard birds means observing not just how they look, but also how they behave. Here is what to watch for in each season:


  • Birds singing to attract mates and defend territories
  • Nest building with trips to and from nest sites
  • Increased activity at feeders to support egg production


  • Parents constantly visiting feeders and baths to feed young
  • Fledglings on the ground trying to fly up to branches
  • Decreased activity at feeders as natural food is abundant


  • Young birds visiting feeders on their own for the first time
  • Flocks gathering to migrate south for the winter
  • Increased feeder activity as birds bulk up for migration


  • Mixed flocks with various species feeding together
  • Courtship and nest preparation beginning again
  • Reliance on feeders and heated birdbaths for survival

The Role of Native Plants in Sustaining Backyard Bird Populations

While bird feeders can help attract birds, native plants are essential for providing natural food sources and habitats. Here are some ways native plants support backyard birds:

  • Insects:Native plants host significantly more caterpillars and insects that baby birds rely on for food.
  • Fruit and Seeds: Native plants provide berries, seeds, and nuts that many birds eat.
  • Shelter: Native trees and shrubs create protective cover for roosting and nesting.
  • Stopover Sites:Native plants provide rest stops for migrating birds to refuel.

By landscaping with native plants, you can create a balanced ecosystem where birds naturally thrive without becoming dependent on artificial feeders. Aim for at least 70% native plants in your yard to support healthy bird communities.

Discover the Joy of Bird Watching: Turn Your Backyard into a Wild Bird Sanctuary

Bird watching, also known as birding, is a wonderful hobby that allows you to discover the fascinating world of birds right in your own backyard. With a few simple steps, you can create a bird-friendly sanctuary that attracts beautiful, colorful birds and brings their cheerful songs and vibrant plumage close to home.

Choosing the Right Location

When selecting a location for your bird sanctuary, opt for a site that allows room to expand, such as along a fence or border. Consider existing elements like trees, shrubs, and ponds that provide food, shelter, and water for birds. Assess sunlight, soil type, drainage, and other factors that will impact plant growth. Your sanctuary can transform even a small patio or balcony into a birdwatcher’s paradise!

Providing Food to Attract Birds

Offering a variety of bird feeders and foods will entice the greatest diversity of birds to visit your backyard sanctuary.

Essential Feeders

  • Platform feeders – Attracts wide variety of birds including doves, jays, grosbeaks. Place low for ground feeders
  • Tube feeders – Favored by finches, chickadees, titmice. Hang at higher levels
  • Hopper feeders – Draws cardinals, jays, woodpeckers, sparrows. Mount at medium height
  • Suet feeders – Woodpeckers, nuthatches, chickadees enjoy. Install away from trees
  • Hummingbird feeders – Offer nectar for hummingbirds

Recommended Feeds

  • Black oil sunflower – Most widely enjoyed
  • Nyjer thistle – Finch favorite
  • Safflower – Cardinals, chickadees like
  • Suet – Woodpeckers, nuthatches eat
  • Fruit slices – Orioles, bluebirds, woodpeckers

Introducing Water Features

Installing a water feature will attract more birds for drinking, bathing and rearing young. Consider adding:

  • Bird baths – Shallow depth for safety. Sloped design deters mosquitoes
  • Dripping fountains – Movement and sound entices birds
  • Small backyard ponds – Can be created simply by sinking a plastic tub into the ground

Providing Shelter and Nesting Sites

Incorporate brush piles, dead trees, and nesting boxes to give birds protective breeding spots and shelter from predators and weather. Maintain boxes to ensure safe nesting environments. Monitor for invasive pest plants and remove on sight.

Caring for Your Sanctuary

Steward your sanctuary with care. Eliminate pesticides and commit to sustainable practices that nourish birds and wildlife. Maintain native plants through weeding, watering, and mulching. Frequently clean feeders and change water to prevent disease. Record sightings and participate in citizen science programs like the Great Backyard Bird Count.

Creating a backyard bird sanctuary rewards you with up-close views of beautiful birds and their mesmerizing songs and colors. Follow these tips to transform your outdoor space into a flourishing, sustainable habitat where vibrant wildlife will flock to visit. Let your landscape become a thriving wild bird world that builds connections between nature and your own backyard.

Supporting Bird Conservation from Your Own Yard

Supporting Bird Conservation from Own Yard
Supporting Bird Conservation from Own Yard

Birds are an essential part of our ecosystem, providing numerous benefits such as pest control, pollination, and seed dispersal, which help maintain the balance of nature. However, their habitats are increasingly threatened by urban development, climate change, and other human activities. Fortunately, there are several ways you can support bird conservation right from your own yard. Here’s how:

Incorporating Conservation Practices in Daily Bird Feeding and Care

  1. Choose the Right Feed: Offer a variety of seeds to attract different bird species. Black oil sunflower seeds are highly favored by many birds due to their high oil content and easy-to-crack shells.
  2. Clean Feeders Regularly: To prevent the spread of disease among bird populations, clean your feeders every few days with hot water and scrub them to remove any mold or waste.
  3. Provide Fresh Water: Birds need water for drinking and bathing. A birdbath with clean water can be a vital resource for birds, especially during winter when natural sources may be frozen.

How to Create Safe Havens for Migratory and Resident Birds

  1. Plant Native Species: Native plants provide essential food and shelter for birds. They are adapted to your local climate and soil, making them easier to care for than non-native plants.
  2. Reduce Lawn Space: Lawns offer little benefit to wildlife. Replacing lawn areas with native plant gardens or shrubs can create more valuable habitats for birds.
  3. Avoid Pesticides: Pesticides can be harmful to birds, either directly or indirectly by reducing their food sources (insects). Use natural pest control methods instead.

Participating in Bird Counts and Other Citizen Science Projects

  1. Join Bird Counts: Participate in local or national bird counts such as the Christmas Bird Count or the Great Backyard Bird Count. Your observations can help scientists track bird populations and trends.
  2. Use Bird Apps: Apps like eBird allow you to record and share your bird sightings with a global community of birders and researchers, contributing valuable data for conservation efforts.

By implementing these practices, you not only create a sanctuary for birds in your yard but also contribute to broader conservation efforts. Whether it’s through providing food, water, and shelter, or participating in citizen science projects, every action counts towards supporting the health and diversity of bird populations.

Enhancing Your Bird Watching Experience with Technology and Resources

Bird watching is a fascinating hobby that allows you to connect with nature and observe the beauty of wild birds. With the advancement of technology and resources, bird watching has become more accessible and enjoyable. In this article, we will discuss the top bird identification apps, useful guides and books, and online birding communities that can help you enhance your bird watching experience.

Top Bird Identification Apps and How They Can Improve Your Birding Skills

Bird identification apps are powerful tools that can help you identify birds quickly and accurately. Here are some of the top bird identification apps that you can use:

  1. Merlin Bird ID: Merlin Bird ID is a free app developed by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. It uses deep learning to identify birds in photos and sounds. Merlin can identify over 1200 species by sound and provides expert ID tips, range maps, photos, and sounds to help you learn about the birds you spot.
  2. Audubon Bird Guide: The Audubon Bird Guide is a free app that provides detailed information on over 800 North American bird species. It includes photos, range maps, and sounds, and allows you to track your sightings and contribute to citizen science.
  3. iBird: iBird is a comprehensive bird identification app that provides detailed information on over 1000 North American bird species. It includes photos, illustrations, range maps, and sounds, and allows you to search for birds by shape, color, location, and other characteristics.

Useful Guides and Books for Beginner to Advanced Bird Watchers

Guides and books are essential resources for bird watchers of all levels. Here are some of the most useful guides and books that you can use:

  1. The Sibley Guide to Birds: The Sibley Guide to Birds is a comprehensive guide that covers over 800 North American bird species. It includes detailed illustrations, range maps, and descriptions, and is suitable for both beginner and advanced bird watchers.
  2. National Geographic Field Guide to the Birds of North America: The National Geographic Field Guide to the Birds of North America is a comprehensive guide that covers over 1000 North American bird species. It includes photos, range maps, and descriptions, and is suitable for both beginner and advanced bird watchers.
  3. Peterson Field Guide to Birds of Eastern and Central North America: The Peterson Field Guide to Birds of Eastern and Central North America is a classic guide that covers over 600 bird species. It includes illustrations, range maps, and descriptions, and is suitable for both beginner and advanced bird watchers.

Connecting with Birding Communities Online for Tips and Support

Online birding communities are great resources for bird watchers to connect with other enthusiasts, share sightings, and get tips and support. Here are some of the most popular online birding communities:

  1. eBird: eBird is a global database of bird sightings that allows you to track your sightings and contribute to citizen science. It also provides information on recent sightings and hotspots.
  2. BirdForum: BirdForum is an online community that allows you to connect with other bird watchers, share sightings, and get tips and support.
  3. Cornell Lab of Ornithology: The Cornell Lab of Ornithology is a leading research and conservation organization that provides resources for bird watchers, including bird identification guides, citizen science projects, and online courses.

Bird watching is a rewarding hobby that can be enhanced with the use of technology and resources. By using bird identification apps, guides and books, and connecting with online birding communities, you can improve your birding skills and enjoy the wild bird world even more.

Solutions for Keeping Birds Safe in an Urban Environment

Urban environments can pose many threats to wild birds. Habitat loss from development, collisions with buildings and vehicles, pesticides, light pollution, and non-native predators like cats are some of the biggest challenges facing urban bird populations . Here are some solutions individuals and communities can implement to help protect birds in the city:

Reduce Threats from Buildings

  • Install bird-friendly window treatments on homes and buildings to prevent collisions. Options include screens, decals, tape, netting, and UV-reflective glass .
  • Advocate for bird-safe building standards and bird-friendly design in new construction .
  • Organize a “lights out” campaign to reduce light pollution during migration seasons .

Restore and Conserve Habitat

  • Plant native trees, shrubs, and plants to provide food and shelter .
  • Reduce lawn size and pavement to allow more natural vegetation .
  • Create green roofs, living walls, and backyard habitats .
  • Protect and expand urban green spaces and wetlands .

Keep Cats Indoors

  • Cats are a major threat to birds. Keep cats inside or build outdoor enclosures .
  • Support policies that regulate feral cat colonies .

Reduce Use of Pesticides

  • Avoid pesticides, especially neonicotinoids, in gardens and landscaping .
  • Advocate for legislation restricting certain toxic pesticides .

Engage the Community

  • Educate others on threats facing urban birds and how to help .
  • Organize community science projects to monitor birds .
  • Promote bird-friendly certification programs .

How to Help Sick or Injured Wild Birds in Your Backyard

If you find a sick, injured, or orphaned wild bird, here are some steps you can take:

Assess the Situation

  • Determine if the bird is an adult, fledgling, or nestling . Don’t interfere with healthy fledglings.
  • Look for signs of injury like wounds, broken wings, or lethargy .
  • Contact a wildlife rehabilitator if the bird needs help .

Safely Contain the Bird

  • Use gloves to gently pick up the bird and place it in a ventilated box or paper bag . Don’t squeeze.
  • Keep the bird in a quiet, dark, safe place away from people and pets .
  • Do NOT give food or water . This can be dangerous.

Get Expert Care

  • Find a wildlife rehabilitator or veterinarian to provide medical care .
  • Follow instructions to transport the bird safely .
  • Share details about how you found the bird with the rehabilitator .

Understanding Legal and Ethical Considerations in Urban Wildlife Care

Legal and Ethical Considerations in Urban Wildlife Care
Legal and Ethical Considerations in Urban Wildlife Care

Handling sick and injured wildlife involves legal and ethical considerations:

Laws and Regulations

  • It is generally illegal to keep native wild animals in captivity without permits .
  • Reporting requirements may apply for certain diseases .
  • Wildlife rehabilitators must be licensed and permitted .

Ethical Responsibilities

  • Strive to minimize harm and suffering when intervening .
  • Prioritize the animal’s well-being throughout the rehabilitation process .
  • Contribute data to ongoing wildlife research whenever possible .

In summary, when finding an injured urban bird, contact a licensed wildlife rehabilitator, follow regulations, and ensure the bird’s welfare is the top priority throughout. Our actions should aim to gather knowledge to better protect wildlife populations over the long term.

Human development presents many threats to birds, but cities can also be made safer for our feathered friends through conservation initiatives that help birds thrive. We all have a role to play in sustaining urban biodiversity.


Q: How can I support the World Bird Sanctuary?

A: You can support us through donations, participating in our adopt-a-bird program, or volunteering. Every donation helps us in the care and conservation of avian species and their habitats. Your support is crucial for our ongoing dedication to conservation.

Q: What can visitors expect from their experience at the sanctuary?

A: Visitors can expect an immersive and delightful experience with nature’s aviators over our expansive 305 acres. Guest experiences include captivating seasonal shows, tours with one of our expert keepers, and the chance for an unforgettable up-close encounter with some of the most majestic species of wild birds.

Q: Are there opportunities for an up-close encounter with the birds?

A: Absolutely! We offer unforgettable up-close encounters where visitors can meet and learn about our avian residents from one of our expert keepers. It’s a great experience that allows for personal interaction and is both educational and exhilarating.

Q: What is the adopt-a-bird program?

A: Our adopt-a-bird program allows individuals to sponsor the care of a bird residing at our sanctuary. This is a way to directly support the specific needs of your chosen bird and aid our dedication to conservation. It’s a treat for any nature enthusiast and a unique way to contribute to our cause.

Q: What educational opportunities does the sanctuary provide?

A: The sanctuary offers a variety of educational programs for visitors of all ages. These range from guided tours that dive into the importance of conservation, to interactive sessions that deliver a deeper understanding of the migration, habitats, and challenges faced by wild birds. Our mission is to educate and inspire visitors through the wonder of bird flight and the beauty of our natural world.

Q: How is the sanctuary making a difference in the conservation of wild birds?

A: Our dedication to conservation entails the rescue and rehabilitation of sick or injured birds annually, the protection of their natural habitats through conservation efforts, and the education of the public on the importance of biodiversity. By rehabilitating and releasing birds, and providing a safe haven for those unable to return to the wild, we work to ensure the survival and health of avian species.

Q: What is the best time of year to visit the sanctuary?

A: The sanctuary offers a delightful experience year-round, but spring and fall are particularly picturesque times for a visit. These seasons feature captivating seasonal shows and the chance to witness the exhilarating animal adventure of migration. A stroll through our hardwood forest during these times offers a scenic tour highlighted by an array of species in their natural environment.

Q: How can I contact the World Bird Sanctuary for more information?

A: For more information, quick links to our contact us page are available on our website. Whether you’re planning a visit, interested in supporting our cause, or seeking educational resources, we’re here to provide you with all the information you need to make your experience enriching and memorable.